Delivery Pipe

A while back I made a stainless delivery pipe for my car.Runs from the intercooler all the way to the throttle. I have not seen or been able to measure any decent gains. Quite disappointing. Sure does look pretty though. On the dyno I recorded much more heat soak than before with the rubber / plastic factory pipe. It is on the pressure side so the restriction is not so bad. Also stainless has much better insulation properties than aluminum. I do run Aquamist on sometimes. On the dyno it seemed to counteract some of the increased charge temp. I plan to make a heat shield of .031″ stainless sheet to keep down on radiant heat from the DP especially before it starts getting warm here.
Now the story is a bit different for the T5 cars. They have a 2″ aluminum pipe that will have more heat soak than the stainless. So for those cars maybe a 2-1/4″ pipe would be good. Plan in to make one and test it to see. Probably will keep the lower rubber portion for now. This will help insulate it from the radiant exhaust heat.

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