This is getting old QUICK! Or slow….

IMG_0918IMG_0913No doubt we have more torque and traction than in the past at this point.   Friday night first pass!    Going to upgrade to Viggen axles at this point and probably change gearing too. This will both lower the input axle torque and raise the margins.  Hope this works. Buggered the inner drive a bit also.  The outer is a bit crunchy so it may have internal damage.  Hoping the two massive overrevs are not too damaging to the rotating assembly.  Not touching valves at this point so crossing fingers.   More drag car axle carnage VIDEO   You can see the sparks from the axle at the end.

IMG_0919Here is a current underside shot.  You can see the spherical bearings in the suspension, Wastegate dump tube and downpipe. Std 6-point and not a lot of other special parts. Might run a batch of the spherical bearings if there is demand.

IMG_0911 Steven got my old Corbeau seat mounted on a stock base.  Only saved 12lbs but accommodates My  6’2″ and stevens foot or so less. ;)

1 Comment 

  1. Lucian says:

    this is the application of Murphy`s Law: if there is anything that can go wrong, IT WILL!
    Sad to see how you are pushed back each time you make relevant steps ahead :(

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